
James Harris

I’ve decided to start my blog, at long last. I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but I’ve often worried about what I should write and if anyone would even be interested in reading it. I figured that the easiest way to find out would be to just get on with it!

A little about me.

I’m historically a .NET developer, and I would, up to recently described myself as a ‘back-end developer’, but given how much of my work covers front-end these days I think just Developer, programmer or even wrangler of bytes works equally well. (This may warrant it’s own discussion further down the line!)

I’ve built all kinds of applications, from ASP.NET Web Forms (ick) apps, through to Angular SPA’s and even, in the dim and distant past, a graphical map application using Windows Forms with GDI+

What I’ll be writing about.

I’ve got a load of ideas about things I could write about, from the craft of programming to the ‘softer’ aspects of working with others. I’m also hoping to blog about various code experiments on I’m working on.

Let’s see how this goes!